Saturday, February 21, 2015

Everybody Loves a Daredevil in First Grade

Students in grade one are investigating the topic "daredevils" by listening to nonfiction books, watching videos, writing, and practicing text features. It's a fascinating topic and students have been at the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens to these brave (and crazy!) people. Through online videos, we are able to enhance the stories with real footage of stunt locations and similar modern daredevils. My favorite part about this unit are the questions students generate about the daredevils and their stunts. This is an excellent topic to practice inquiry.

Annie Taylor

First person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

Read aloud:
Queen of the Falls by Chris Van Allsburg (truncated a lot of the text to make it digestable for 1st graders)


Activity: Create your own vessel to go over Niagara Falls. Draw a picture and write about it.

Betty Skelton

Early female flyer who flew stunt planes, rode motorcycles, raced cars, performed water stunts, and trained with astronauts.

Read aloud:
Daredevil: The Daring Life of Betty Skelton by Meghan McCarthy


Activity: Build a stunt plane with craft sticks and cotton balls and use the "label" text feature.

Phillippe Petit

Man who walked between two buildings in NYC on a tight rope.

Read aloud:
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein


Activity: Students practice walking on a "tightrope" made out of tape. Students create a "Coming Soon" poster using text features about a tight rope walker coming to East Providence.

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