Sunday, January 4, 2015

Lego Animal Alphabet in Kindergarten

Kindergarten students are finishing up a mini unit on alphabet books in library class. We read The Beetle Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta,  Dr. Seuss' ABC, and Alphabet City by Stephen Johnson. During the first class, students were assigned an animal that began with a letter of the alphabet. They colored a picture of it and also drew the animal in rectangles as a blue print for their Lego version. We had one practice day of building their animals. The second session, I snapped a picture of their final product. It was interesting to see how some students could easily recreate their animals with Legos and others had a hard time getting started. Sharing examples as we went along was helpful for some students who had trouble at first. Seeing their friends ideas made a light bulb go off in their heads and they got right to work. Thanks to our Occupational Therapist, Heidi Correiro, for helping me in the first class. It's terrifying to dump Legos out on tables for 26 five and six-year-olds for the first time.  I imagined absolute chaos but with Heidi's help and awesome students, it all worked out. Below are Lego Animal Alphabet slideshows for Mrs. Ream's, Miss Wayland's, Miss Martin's, and Miss Johnson's classes.

Lego Animal Alphabet Slideshow  - Mrs. Ream's Class

Lego Animal Alphabet Slideshow - Miss Martin's Class

Lego Animal Alphabet Slideshow - Miss Wayland's Class

Lego Animal Alphabet Slideshow - Miss Johnson's Class